Saturday, August 30, 2008

Permanent State of Mind: Confusion

That pretty much sums up exactly how Cypher & I feel when taking these calls. Confused. Not terribly long ago, we discussed ad nauseam the fact that many of the callers do not own a computer. This intrigues us because the very nature of our business is to assist these callers with online technical support. Why dontchyouse play the fly on the wall to a smattering of our conversation on this pressing issue:
Cypher begins, "You know, I just gots ta ask ya, Star, where are they gettin' our number?? It's like I'm askin' them where they at on the site and all of a sudden some kinda insane revelation occurs and they go, 'Oh I don't have a computer.' And they're all matter-of-fact about it, like I'm some sort of a damn fool and should know this already. I swear one man was all, 'Oh, I ain't gotta computer. I was buyin' m'self a saw at Home Depot and damn if it didn't have your number on it.' I mean, come on now, damn it, what the funk is wrong wit' dees bitches."
"Seriously! I mean, I was buying some hemorrhoid cream last week and I actually saw our number on the back of the box. What's next I ask you, 'Yeah, I live in a tree and I'm really callin' you from a soup can with a string...' I feel like tellin' them that they are too worthless to speak to any further and then just clang 'em."
"I heard that, sister Star, mmmhmmm. 'Yes I'm callin' you from a desert island off the Pacific Coast and the coconut I'm using for a phone has got your number on the back.' Child, puh-lease! Buncha fuckin' deadbeat morons callin' here for Christ sake."

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