Sunday, March 15, 2009

Question of the Day

Should someone driving a $250,000 Bentley go through a Wendy's Drive-Thru?

Cypher and I are outraged to think that there is actually someone of such low caliber allowed to interact with polite society. I mean, that is just très gauche. Who on Earth would spend that amount of money on a precision automobile such as a Bentley, only to litter it with greasy food. It's appalling and tacky and these individuals should be taken to task for their despicable behavior. Our beloved coworker, Laury Beth, actually defends these humans begat from swine based on the fact that if "they're hungry and want Wendy's." I swore that her voice would not be heard on this survey, however, I am an open minded female and feel that both viewpoints be presented equally. Even though all of those bred from fine, upstanding families will agree that placing Wendy's fries, which quite frankly taste of people, into a Rolls Royce is nothing short of utter tackiness. If you feel the same, please comment; all others would be so kind as to keep those fast food fingers from the computer's keyboard.

1 comment:

Bishop said...

honey, that what you call Nouveau riche. all money and no class. we got them here in my part of the woods. totally tacky. talking on their cell phones, wearing horrible [ugly] jumpsuits made from god knows what and they have ZERO manners! give me a baseball bat so i can hit some common sense into their heads!